Sunday, 29 January 2012

Lovely Sunday

Great day today, Ronnie slept until 6:10 in his own bed so that was a great start for us, he has been waking as early as 4 And not going back off, or waking for two or three hours at a time in the middle of the night before going back off, so not being exhausted is always welcome. Callum sleeps very well. He wakes and just lies in his cot gurgling until we go in. Ronnie helped us tidy up the garden this morning, I am also new to this as well and am learning things all the time - I now know to prune/cut back shrubs before the frosty weather comes! Had a lovely Sunday lunch with our family, and Callum had his first liquidized sunday lunch and treacle pudding, he loved it. Ronnie enoyed it too and polished off all the carrotts after i explained how good they are for helping you see in the dark. We all spent some time outside in the fresh air which is so good for us and the boys, it also gives Ronnie chance to run off some of his energy, we are struggling with just how much energy he does have at the moment. Callum had a good hour of laughing and playing with us all today and has started repeating sounds to make us laugh, blowing raspberries seems to be his favourite. He also really watched the television properly, since having his glasses he has started paying more attention to it now which is positive. All in all a good day, got another eventful week approaching, Ronnie has to have little operation on Friday to put grommets back in both ears again and possibly have his adenoids out, will be glad when that's over and done with. Got Callum's special group tomorrow afternoon, he will enjoy that, will work on more sitting with the physio. Must always remember to think positive, things could always be much worse I suppose... Fingers crossed for another sleep filled night.

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