Thursday, 8 March 2012


Have had a good few days, Ronnie still sleeping through the night and Callum is doing really well with his sitting. Going to try and be more positive from now on and try and keep my worrying at bay, not easy with everything going on but going to give it a try. Going to concentrate on the good things that Callum is doing now and stop worrying about what he is not doing. One week at a time is the way forward, I always tell my friends to have a positive mental attitude so am going to take my own advice! Callum did well with his group on Monday and we have some more exercises to get with to help his sitting. Today we went to the eye clinic at the hospital to see how Callum is getting on with glasses, she said he is doing well keeping them on, his squint is still visible whilst he has his glasses on so we have to go back in 8 weeks to see if a patch is needed. We are so pleased with how much more alert Callum is now with his glasses and I have got used to him wearing them now, in fact he does not look right without them now. We have got hydrotherapy for Callum tomorrow so he will enjoy that. I am looking forward to Saturday, my brother and me are off to London for the day, so excited, got lots planned too. Until next time x x

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