Thursday, 2 February 2012

A sneaky plan

Bit tired today, the Rocket woke at 4.30 had to change him and he did not really want to go back off, tried putting him back till 5.30 but realised he was not going to fall back to sleep, so I came up with a sneaky plan; we bought one of those clocks that shows a rabbit awake in the sun when it's time to get out of bed and a rabbit in bed and a moon when it's time to stay in bed, I sneaked into his room while he was talking to daddy and switched it from night to day, Ronnie then said "the rabbit is awake though mummy can I come into your bed now"? so we went and had a look and yes the rabbit was indeed awake! It normally switches to time to get up setting at 6am so I thought half an hour will make all difference to us all, and indeed it did. A naughty little trick, one which I will not use often but sometimes when you are so very tired it is an essential one to have up the pyjama sleeve! Callum slept all night as usual and lays in his cot gurgling in the morning until I go and see him, it's such a lovely sound to wake up to. We have a video monitor and I could literally watch him for hours awake or asleep. It so nice and reassuring being able to see him while he is asleep. Have Been preparing for Ronnie's ear operation which was set for 12:30 tomorrow, the children's ward rang me at 3:45 this afternoon to ask us to come in at 07:30 instead. I don't mind what time we go in but it now means that Steve won't be able to come with us as he had arranged to have the afternoon of and had rearranged everything for the morning. Still just glad it's not been cancelled and he will be with us from 12.30. Fingers crossed that all goes to plan in the morning, I will be eating my breakfast out of sight tomorrow and have packed all sorts of nice bits to keep him amused whilst we are there. If his adenoids are removed he will have to stay in overnight so either steve or I will stay with him. So until tomorrow or Saturday I bid you goodnight .....

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